
デザイナー奥出 貴ノ洋が経験してきた世界中の様々なカルチャーをベースに、メイドインジャパンに拘り表現した日本発のブランドLASTFRAME(ラストフレーム)。中でも職人の数が年々減少している伝統技術にフォーカスを当て、デザイナーのフィルターを通した現代的解釈により、これまでに無い独自のデザインで表現している。日本の伝統技術を継承しながらも、国・時代・シーズン・性別など何ものにもとらわれることなく、ボーダーレスに愛され続け、そして受け継がれるデザインを目指し、メイドインジャパンのラグジュアリーブランドとして世界に発信する。


Launched in 2018, LASTFRAME is a brand that marries Japan’ s craft heritage with founder Takanohiro Okude’ s rich cultural experiences living and working around the world. Focusing on traditional craft skills that are gradually disappearing in parts of Japan, Takanohiro Okude reinterprets and reapplies them to his modern and unique designs. LASTFRAME consists of two words that form the essence of the brand. “LAST” meaning ‘final’ and ‘continuity’ , refers to Japan’ s disappearing artisanal techniques, the brand strives to continue their traditional craftsmanship, creating pieces to last. “FRAME” preserves and shines a spotlight on them, adopting them into the brand’ s designs.

LASTFRAME's experimentations with Japanese traditional techniques include knitted bags, using custom-made twisted yarn - adopting a rare rib technique, creating unique patterns produced by special knitting machines. Silk scarves are made using 120 year old techniques from Ishikawa Prefecture, adopting hand rolled edging sewn by expert craftspeople from Yokohama.

Whilst based on traditional Japanese techniques, the brand aspires to create pieces that are borderless, timeless and non-binary. LASTFRAME is a Made In Japan brand that speaks to the world.